Kingdom Builders
Kingdom Builders is our dream and initiative to build the kingdom of God around the world. Each year, we will recognize strategic and critical projects that need to be accomplished locally, globally, and for future Christian leaders. Disaster relief, church plants, building projects, and overseas pastoral training are just a few examples of the ways Highway Tabernacle is changing the world. Every project chosen has the potential to make an eternal impact in the lives of families in Youngstown and around the world.
Plan, Vision, Dream
How can you help? Everyone has a limit. Financial limits, time limits, and families to take care of. But just for a moment, allow yourself to dream. Think of all that God could do in your life and the lives of others through your giving. So how can you get involved? Three steps. First, make a plan. Out of the finances you have, what could we give? Second, create a vision. Ask yourself, "What could we give, with God's help." Third, have a dream. Imagine God blesses you beyond what you ever thought possible. How incredible would it be to help families in Youngstown, see a church in Zambia built, or any number of needs that come up! Plan, vision, dream. Plan what you can do now and dream about what we can do together.
Would you partner with us as we work to build the Kingdom of God around the world? We thank you for your generosity.
Would you partner with us as we work to build the Kingdom of God around the world? We thank you for your generosity.
For more information about the projects that we are supporting this year, email [email protected] or call (330) 792-3000.